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about The Synchronisation of a Music's Tempo with the Human's Heart Rate
By Lyrics Syabila Mu Saqeena
Background Problem
Most people only know music as an entertainment. Surprisingly, music can give an impact to our body’s health and well being, including lowering or increasing the listeners' heart rate.
Based on my survey, students have had a hard time adapting in this unfamiliar situation. Studying and spending the majority of their time at home interferes with their maintenance of a good lifestyle in this pandemic. By using the theory of the synchronisation of a music’s tempo with the human’s heart rate, I created songs to help students solve this problem.

Goal of the Experiment
The goal is to prove that my songs can lower or increase the listeners’ heart rate, along with justifying how music can help people achieve a good lifestyle in this unfamiliar situation caused by the pandemic.
Can the "theory of the synchronisation of the human's heart rate with a music's tempo" be proven true? Can the human's heart rate synchronise with a music's tempo to help them adapt in this unfamiliar situation easily and achieve a good lifestyle? If this experiment can answer the questions above, my songs would have the ability to help people improve their lifestyle. Specifically, students who have trouble adapting in this new learning and living method.
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